Offer EN590 CIF Procedure

Category: Jet Fuel

Commodity : DIESEL FUEL EN590 10PPM
Origin : TURKMENISTAN / Kazakhstan
Maximum Quantity - 100,000MT Metric Tons
Minimum Quantity - 50,000MT Metric Tons
Contract - 100,000MT Metric Tons
Loading Port for C.I.F – (TBA) Due to vessel capacity
Loading Port for F.O.B – - (Rotterdam/Jurong Port
F.O.B price-$ 450 USD Gross $ 460 USD Net
C.I.F Price- $ 480 USD Gross $ 490 USD Net
Commission- $ 10, 50% Seller Side / 50% Buyer Side
Payment Terms: 100% DLC in US dollars + MT103/TT
Inspection: SGS/CIQ or Equivalent accepted

Price: Pls ask

1) Buyer issues an official ICPO with company registration license.

2) Seller issues Pre-Contract Agreement (PCA) open for amendment for the first trial shipment to buyer:

3) Buyer Countersigns the Pre-Contract Agreement and returns.

4) Seller submits the signed Pre-Contract Agreement to the ministry of energy for registration and legalization at sellers expense and sends to buyer the below listed soft performance guarantee POP documents:

a. Commitment letter to supply the product
b. Availability letter of product
c. Commercial invoice for the first value shipment.
d. Company registration license

5) Buyer’s bank issues financial instrument via DLC MT700 in USD to cover the first shipment to Seller’s fiduciary bank within (7 Seven) banking days.
(Please note: If the buyer fails to issue financial instrument within Seven (7) working days, in Alternative. Buyer shall make deposit of $380,000 USD Via MT103 wire to seller fiduciary for security guarantee to enable seller secure the allocation, and issues Invitation letter to buyer and their representative for table talk meeting (TTM) and must be at least a minimum of 3 delegate or more.)

6) Upon confirmation of Buyer’s DLC MT700, Seller issue 2% performance bond, Full POP and shipping documents via swift bank to bank as shown below:

a. Product allocation export permit.
b. Allocation title ownership certificate.
c. Transneft contract to transport the product to the loading port.
d. Port storage agreement.
e. Charter party agreement to transport the product to discharge port
f. Fresh SGS/CCIC quality and quantity report.
g. Bill of lading.
h. Vessel questionnaire 88
i. Certificate of origin
j. Tank storage receipt.

7) Shipment commences and upon arrival of the vessel tanker at the discharge port,
Buyer conducts SGS/CCIC Inspection and makes operative DLC for the full shipment via TT Wire or MT103.

8) Seller pays Commissions to all Intermediaries involved in the transaction.

9) Subsequently monthly shipment continues as per signed SPA and product payment will be made against successful SGS/CCIC or equivalent inspection via TT/MT103.

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Specification SCO #1172

#Jet Fuel#TURKMENISTAN#Kazakhstan#Any World Ports