offer steam coal NAR 5500 GAR 5800
Category: Jet Fuel
NAR 5500 Kcal Steam Coal
Quantity: Trial Order 50,000 MT , 50,000 MT-200.000 MT MONTH
Loading Port: Indonesia Safe Port South Kalimantan
Contract Price: $94.26 discount $2.26 = 92 /MT FOB mv
If the DLC process and LC process this month the seller is ready to PB 2% at the beginning before the LC is on
Vessel from Indonesia to China it is very expensive around $18/19 per mt
Chinese agencies in China offer freight at $12/14 or better if very well searched
$94.26 less $2.26 = $92 plus freight vessel China $14 = $104
$94.26 less $2.26 = $92 plus freight vessel Indonesia $18 = $110
Price: Pls ask