Light Crude Oil

Category: LCO

Origin: Khazakistan

Qty: 700,000 BBL

Price: Pls ask

Send Inquiry

Qty 700,000 on vessel ( THYA IMO: 9283289)
Vessel location in the mediterranean waters
Khasakstan origin
SGS today 2/6/22
Seller will undertake to deliver within the meditteranean free of cost
TTO in case of discharge of port outside meditteranean at buyer’s cost
Price: brent minus $7.00/$5 net to buyer
$1 comms open to buy side
Yes, its 100% real. SGS was done yesterday.

Just need buyer corporate profile and I will issue the CI. Once buyer signs the CI, full POP will be given.
API 30.15
buyer can verify, pay and take Title. This will TTO..

1. CP of buyer
2. CI endorsed by seller & buyer
3. Seller gives full pop includes fresh sgs
4. At buyer’s option, the buyer can do his own dip test or upon verification of the fresh sgs, buyer makes full payment and takes title.
Paperwork is all khazakstan
Crude from kazakhstan