Export Jet Fuel A1 Fob

Origin : Kazakhstan
Intercoms : TTT
MOQ 1000,000 BBL
FOB Price: $79 GROSS / $77Net
Commission:$2 seller side, $2 buyer side
Terms of Trade FOB tank to tank
Port: Rotterdam

Procedures as below:

1. The Buyer Issue an ICPO, containing the sellers work procedures and Buyers Banking details, along with TSA (TANK STORAGE AGREEMENT), Buyer Certificate of Incorporation, Company Profile (CP) and International Passport Copy.

2. Seller issues ICC Warning Letter and Commercial Invoice of products in tank at port. Buyer signs and returns commercial invoice with acceptance letter stating to adhere to Seller procedure.

3. The Seller/Authorized representative visit Buyer Tank Farm Office with a copy of the SGS Report and shows SGS report strictly to the Buyers Tank Farm Company only to verify the SGS Report Quality and Quantity with SGS office.

4. After confirmation of successful verification of SGS Report only by Buyers Tank Farm Company, the buyer pays his Tank for the first days after his Tank Company receives payment from the buyer Company, Tank Company issue valid (TSR).

Seller issued to buyer
- Commitment to Supply.
- Notice of Readiness with tank farm details.
- Tank to tank injection agreement (TTTIA) to be endorsed by buyers tank farm

5. Buyer Tank Farm provides TSR.

6. Seller provides following documents to buyer:
(a) SGS report for quality and quantity at shore tank not older than 48 hours
(b) Tank storage receipt with full GPS coordinates
(c) Product Certificate of Origin
(d) Product injection report at shore tank
(e) Unconditional dip test authorization letter
(f) NCNDA-IMFPA agreement
(g) Q&A (h) Authorization to sell and collect

7. Buyer performs Dip Test on the product and get fresh SGS report, Seller sends injection schedule and Buyer, and his logistics returns signed and sealed Injection Schedule.

8. Seller completes the injection into Buyers tanks, Buyer makes payment for the total value of the product injected into the tank via MT103 / TT: Seller sends payment to all intermediaries involved in the transaction 24 hours after receiving confirmation of Buyer Payment as per signed & sealed NCNDA/IMFPA which is notarized by Public Notary in Kazakhstan and Authorized by Sellers Bank and then monthly remittance is continued as per terms and terms of the contract of sale and purchase agreement between the buyer and seller. product by MT103 or TT Upon confirmation of buyer payment injection commence Immediately.

9. Seller pay all intermediaries involved

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SCO #1391